This file is NOT designed to be edited by the user.
Doing so may cause serious problems. This file may be available in other
languages. Check the Potato Software Homepage for updates.
Jack B. Nymble Version: 2.1.4
Language File Version: L12
Language: English
Translator Note: Each message must be on a single line (no linefeeds).
Line length is unlimited, but in general it is best to keep the translation
of approximately equal length, especially short items. Name your translated
file JBNL-xx.DAT, where xx = your language code, and place the file in the
program directory. The language code will appear in Window|Global Config|
Preferred Language.
An error has occured.
Error writing configuration file. Your configuration file has not been saved successfully.
Error reading configuration file.
Error writing program data file.
UNIX cannot be your default Send profile
Configuration Error
Type2.lis not found
Pubring.mix not found
Key was not found in pubring.mix
Pubring.mix Error
Invalid Key
The key box does not contain a valid Mixmaster key
Remove the following Mixmaster remailer?
Confirm Remove Mixmaster Remailer
Error reading type2.lis
Error reading pubring.mix
Error updating files
Configuration Warning
Language change will take effect on next program startup
Language Changed
Error deleting file
DOS command line exceeded 123 characters and could not be executed. This error is usually caused by an overlength passphrase.
Missing PGP encryption key
PGP encryption failure
File access error
---26 pathname follows text
Unable to create or access directory
The following key has been copied to the clipboard
Copy Key To Clipboard
Enter keyring file to load
Leave blank or press Cancel for the default keyring.
Read Keyring File
Unable to read PGP keyring
No keys were found on PGP keyring
An error occurred reading PGP keyring
Invalid Global|Work Folder
Your Global|Work Folder is too long. C:\TMP is recommended.
Bad string in Remailers|Capabilities
The required PGPPATH environment variable is not set in AUTOEXEC.BAT.
Your PGP folder does not appear to be in your PATH environment variable.
Please refer to the User's Manual for PGP installation instructions.
---42 filename follows text
Unable to locate PGP configuration file
Incorrect Armorlines and/or EncryptToSelf settings in PGP's config.txt
WARNING: The Armorlines and/or EncryptToSelf settings in PGP's config.txt file are incorrect for use with Jack B. Nymble and may cause lost mail or compromise your anonymity. Correct them now?
Required Mixmaster file is missing
The following remailers are listed in Type2.lis but are missing keys in Pubring.mix. If you do not plan on using these remailers, please remove their entries in Tools|View Mix Keyring.
Error accessing type2.lis, pubring.mix, or mixmaste.con
Invalid or missing folder or file
Missing required server or username
---50 name follows text
The following problems were encountered with profile
Server not specified
Missing or invalid From header
Invalid SMTP From Address
No addresses specified
No newsgroups specified
The following problems were encountered with your configuration
Invalid Mail Queue folder
WARNING - You have disabled zero remailer warnings. Disabling this feature may jeopardize your security. If you forget to add remailers to a message before pressing Send, you will be given no warning before the message is sent. Do you wish to disable this warning?
Security Feature Disabled
Enter frequently used email addresses here:
Email Addresses
The specified attachment was not found.
File Not Found
Open File
A required program file is missing: JBN2DOS.EXE and/or JBN2DOS.PIF
DOS Error
The specified file or folder could not be opened.
Cannot open additional book windows.
The book file for this replay file is missing. This set should be deleted.
Remailer not listed in capabilities
WARNING: Only advanced users should change the default directive template. An incorrect setting may cause mail created from this book and all books and templates spawned from it to be lost. If you need to reset the directive template for this book, clear it completely and press Set as Default.
The default directive template determines what directives are included when a remailer is added to a chain. If you press Yes then the directives for the current remailer will become the default directive template for this book and all books spawned from it. Note that there are separate directive templates for Cypherpunk and Mixmaster remailers. If you don't understand exactly what this function does, you should press No and consult the User's Manual.
Update Default Directive Template
Add Remailer
Add Mixmaster
Enter the desired width of text in the final message. Typical setting is 70. Press Cancel to disable automatic wrapping.
Error writing file
Note: This setting is not global. It only affects this book, and any books or templates spawned from this book.
Auto Wrap Long Lines
Unrecognized file format
Enter signature to be associated with this book. Press Cancel to use the Global Signature specified in Window|Books Config. Note: This signature is not added to messages automatically. Select Edit|Paste Signature to insert it.
Set Book Signature
The alternate text box is a simpler control preferred by some users. This box can only hold 30K of text. If you press OK, any text currently in this book will be trimmed to 30K.
Switch To Alternate Text Box
Save Clipboard to File
Append Clipboard to File
Please enter search text below:
Find Text
Text exceeds 30K. Deselect Options|Alternate Text Box for more space.
Clear book?
Clear all text?
Enter the Profile Name of the Send Profile to be used as the default for queuing mail from this book. Press Cancel to use the global default set in Window|Send Profiles.
Override Default Send Profile
Unable to save configuration. One or more profiles have the same name.
Configuration Check
This file was created by an earlier version of Jack B. Nymble. If you save it, it will no longer be compatible with earlier versions. Be sure to check all settings in this book before running it.
Prior Format
The text in this file exceeds 30K and will not be fully loaded. Deselect Options|Alternate Text Box to fully load this file.
Error reading file
Loaded book
Error loading
Save Book
Cannot save book open in another window.
Saved book
Saved template
Enter a new name for this book below. Note: This book will not be saved with this name until you select Save.
Name Book
Cannot name book as template
Book named as
Save Text
Saved file
The contents of this book have changed since it was last saved. Save now?
The contents of this book have changed since it was last saved. Discard changes?
Message Book
Loading book
Saving book
loaded as
Select Nym Account Key
Please press keys or move mouse randomly
This account has been added to your Nym Accounts registry. For greater convenience you may add the private-key passphrase for this account's key to the registry. Doing so will allow for automatic mail decryption and signing of outgoing messages.
Clear reply-block
Clear all reply-blocks?
Nym Accounts Update
Please reenter your passphrase to confirm.
The account key in this nym book differs from the Nym Accounts Registry. Replace the following entry?
passphrases in
Aborted -- Replaced
active blocks.
Delete nym account entry for
Passphrases do not match. Please re-enter.
Passphrase Mismatch
PGP encryption failure
PGP decryption failure (Possible bad passphrase)
Unknown PGP failure
Passphrase is correct.
Passphrase Test Result
Missing or invalid To address
This message appears to be a news post. A subject is required.
The Nym field contains an invalid address
The Headers box contains an invalid header. Note: Continued header lines should be indented by at least one space.
Warning: Attachments will not be encrypted because you have not specified a key for message encryption. To encrypt message text and attachments to the final recipient, press Cancel and specify a key in the Encrypt field.
Warning: Attachments will not be signed because you have not specified a key for signing. To sign message text and attachments, press Cancel and specify a key in the Sign field.
There is an improperly encoded attachment in the attachment list. Please clear attachments and reenter.
The following Cypherpunk remailer is not listed in Remailer Capabilities (no address available):
WARNING: You have selected no remailers. Your email address will be visible to the recipient.
You have specified multiple Mixmaster chains but have selected no intermediate RANDOM remailers. All message chains will be identical.
An error occurred writing message text.
An error occurred encoding message text or attachment
This message would result in more than 256 parts and cannot be split. Raise the split size to send this message.
Please enter the passphrase for the following private key
If you prefer to enter the passphrase in DOS, leave this passphrase blank.
Please enter the passphrase to conventionally encrypt the following file
Message creation aborted.
PGP encryption failure
is not listed in Window||Remailers Config|Capabilities or your type2.lis file.
Mixmaster encryption failure
appears to be an invalid (or broken) Remix-To recipient.
Remailer Capability Warning
is listed as having a problem chaining to
appears to be an invalid (or broken) Encrypt-To recipient.
is listed as having problems remixing to other remailers.
is listed as having problems repgping to other remailers.
does not appear to support
This message may exceed the maximum message size of remailer
appears to have poor reliability and/or long latency. (This determination is based on current stats and your settings in Window|Remailers Config|Auto and/or Mixmaster.)
Remailer Not Found
No available qualified remailer to fill AUTO remailer
- No destination directives included. This message will be lost.
with this one?
Update Type2.lis and Pubring.mix
Add the following Mixmaster remailer?
The following Mixmaster remailer has been added:
The PGP key for the following remailer appears to be missing from your keyring. If you do not wish to use this remailer, you should remove it from Window|Remailers Config|Capabilities.
Don't warn me about this key again
does not appear to support multiple destination directives
does not appear to support chains in Remix-To or Encrypt-To
does not appear to support 'random' keyword or name-only address in directive
Post header may be used only with Mixmaster remailers. Use 'Anon-Post-To:' instead.
includes remailer directives in the Mixmaster headers, but does not appear to support hybrid
Post-To and Anon-Post-To directives may not be placed in the To field of Mixmaster messages. Use 'Post:' instead.
When using Post, Post-To, or Anon-Post-To, you must select at least one remailer.
Warning: PGP Conv encoded attachment will not be signed
PGP key not available
Unknown encryption failure (Possible disk full)
Preview mode is enabled.
Shown before encryption
Not encrypted
Mixmaster Creation
Finished Message
Message cancelled.
Checking message...
Prechecking remailers...
Checking attachments...
Writing text...
Creating message body...
Adding attachment
Splitting body...
Creating Cypherpunk stage
Message queued successfully via
Possible disk full
Encrypting to nym-server...
Creating Mixmaster message...
Reported remailer maximum
This message will be split into parts
Partial message
Mix Packet
This message includes one or more Mixmaster headers which are longer than 79 characters. The last remailer in the chain is RANDOM, AUTO, or is running Mixmaster version 2.0.3, which does not support headers over 79 characters. The long headers may be truncated. It is recommended you choose a different remailer in the last position.
Too many output messages.
No replay files for this book were found.
To replay this book, you must enter the original nym account address in the Nym field.
Unable to delete previous replay file(s).
Preview mode is disabled.
Replay file created
For a variety of reasons detailed in the User's Manual, it is recommended that you not use a RANDOM remailer at the end of a chain. Your message will be more likely to arrive if you use an AUTO or explicit remailer in this position.
The following remailer chain has been selected
Use the above remailers? (Press 'No' for a new selection.)
Preview AUTO Remailer Chain
Message Creation Error
Currently Qualified AUTO Remailers
Nym Message
Plain Message
Selecting AUTO remailers...
Queuing message...
Override Default
The Account Address field must contain (only) the complete nym account address:
The Account PGP Key field must contain this account's PGP keyID or userID.
The Name field contains an invalid name. The account address, quote marks, and angle brackets should not be included in this field.
An error occurred extracting PGP key.
Failure extracting PGP key
---256 Refers to Last Max-Date used ie Last: 21 Jan 1999
does not contain a valid final destination.
Warning: One or more reply-blocks use no remailers. The terminating email address will be visible to the nym-server and anyone monitoring it.
No capability string was found
does not appear to be remix compliant.
At least one reply-block must be active if Update Reply-Blocks is checked.
Warning: You have added a Subject header to one or more reply-blocks which do not terminate at a newsgroup. This may make your reply-block easier to trace.
Enter the approximate number of hours before a Cypherpunk message should expire. Press 'Cancel' to disable expiration.
Note: This feature requires at least one remailer which supports 'max'. Using too low a setting may result in lost mail. Use of a Max-Date directive will override this setting.
Cypherpunk Message Expiration
Unable to add Max directives because no remailers in this chain support 'max'. Continue?
Remailer selection may be further limited by directive usage, where remailers appear in a chain, remix compliance, message size, and other factors. Copy this list to the clipboard?
terminates at a newsgroup but does not have a Subject header. Messages may be lost.
Extracting public key...
reply-blocks created successfully.
active reply-blocks.
Loaded clipboard with
No valid message found.
Quote original message in reply?
Reply To Message
Writing message archive...
Invalid value in Extra|Split message if larger than...
An error occured while writing message archive.
Internal remailer at
Malformatted Mixmaster message.
An error occured queuing mail.
Connecting to
Disconnecting from
ERROR Connecting to
SMTP Error
Don't pop-up this kind of message again
Queue Message
Not connected.
Delete selected messages?
User aborted.
Connection reset.
One of the messages you attempted to delete is currently being sent and cannot be deleted. Do you wish to abort sending?
Abort Send?
Delete all currently displayed messages?
Mail Message
Connection established.
Unable to establish connection
You need to configure your dial up connection in Window|Global Config.
Insufficient random remailers to generate dummies
ERROR Generating dummy message
General Message
Generating dummy messages
Verify Connection cannot be disabled while Dial When Needed is checked.
Verify Connection should be unchecked only if you are permanently connected to the internet (LAN, cable modem, etc), or if Jack B. Nymble fails to recognize when you are connected. Unchecking this option may cause Jack B. Nymble to attempt to send and retrieve mail and stats when not online, resulting in errors.
Your Secure Mode configuration file is missing. Program will be started with Secure Mode disabled.
Your configuration file is missing and cannot be loaded, and the replacement file is missing. Reinstallation is recommended.
Please enter your Secure Mode passphrase. This passphrase is used to PGP encrypt and decrypt your user configuration file.
Your configuration file could not be decrypted successfully with the passphrase you provided.
PGP Decryption Failure
Secure Mode has been disabled. Your current configuration will be saved without PGP encryption. Your old encrypted configuration file (JBNConf.ASC) will not be deleted, but you may do so manually.
Failure wiping file
An unknown configuration error has occurred. Secure Mode has been disabled. Please open Window|Global Config|Program and check the option again.
Your configuration file was not saved due to a Secure Mode failure. To prevent loss of data, it is recommended that Secure Mode be disabled until PGP is configured correctly. Disable Secure Mode now and save your configuration WITHOUT encryption?
Secure Mode has been enabled successfully. Your configuration file is now encrypted. For details on what Secure Mode does and does not protect, please consult the User's Manual.
Secure Mode
Edit Patterns
Move Files To...
Copy Files To...
already exists.
Please enter new filename
Rename File
book and replay files associated with
selected files?
Note: Only book files are wiped. Replay files are deleted.
Destination folder cannot match source folder.
Invalid Destination
Replace this file?
with this one?
Please enter name for new folder
Create New Folder
Folder is not empty.
Invalid URL
HTTP Failure
ERROR accessing
Host not found
Finger Failure
The Generate Chaff function sends random keystrokes, which are bounced off your keyboard, while you are typing your passphrase. The random keystrokes are filtered out when received if Filter Chaff is checked. (You must check this option when entering your passphrase.)
This function is used to lessen the threat of viruses which monitor and record all keystrokes in an attempt to capture your passphrase. Jack B. Nymble knows which keystrokes are random chaff because it generated them, but other applications generally do not.
IMPORTANT: Beware of switching to other Windows applications while Generate Chaff is checked, because the keystrokes will be sent to the active application, with unpredictable results (their being random). Also avoid pressing Alt and Ctrl keys to avoid inadvertantly pressing hotkeys. In addition, the Shift key will often not function properly. To capitalize, use your Caps Lock key or the VBoard. Note that when the Shift key is pressed, the chaff becomes capitalized as well because it too is coming from the keyboard. (Caps Lock doesn't usually have this effect.)
For greater security, use the VBoard to enter some or all of your passphrase, in which case no keystrokes are used.
Chaff Generation Enabled
Bookmarks full
Proxy URL is invalid
Invalid Stats|Temporary Cache Folder
Stats|Temporary Cache Folder should not be set to the Global Work Path. The Cache folder is emptied regularly and should be used only for this purpose.
Missing stats or unrecognized format
Nym Book
stats URL
Stats Refresh Message
ERROR Critical error refreshing stats
The following remailer string
has been updated to
Remailer Capabilities Update
has been added to your configuration
The following remailer string no longer appears in your primary stats source. It probably belongs to an extinct remailer and may be removed. Remove this string now?
Parsing stats...
stats refreshed
Backup URL
Do you wish to certify (sign) any of the keys to be added? (Signing keys will prevent PGP from beeping during encryption.)
Add Keys to PGP Keyring
Select Signing Key
An error occured adding keys.
You must configure one or more key URLs in Window|Stats Config.
Your keyring appears to have been updated successfully. You should open your keyring and remove expired and unneeded keys at this time.
Mixmaster keys were added or updated.
The following Mixmaster entry differs from your current list. Replace this key?
Mixmaster Key URLs
Mixmaster remailer
no longer appears in any of the key lists you updated from. This remailer may be extinct. Remove this entry?
You appear to be missing required remailer keys. Update keys now? (You must be online and have PGP configured properly to update keys. You can update keys later by selecting Tools|Get Keys.)
Remailers refreshed.
Refreshing stats...
Please enter PGP keyID or email address
Get Key From Server
You do not appear to be connected to the net. Continue?
To change the key for this account, enter the new key in Account PGP Key and run this book. The new key will be sent to the nym-server. Your Nym Accounts Registry will NOT be updated with the new key. This allows messages you send before the key is changed at the nym-server to be signed properly with the old key. When you receive a message from the nym-server stating that your configuration request was completed, open this nym book, uncheck Change Account Key, and run (Create) this book again. (You do not need to send it again.) This will update the Nym Accounts Registry.
Your message text contains one or more lines which contain only a single period (.). Many mail systems will discard any text after a single period on a line by itself. Change these periods to spaces?
No problems were encountered.
The Nym Accounts Registry window is open. When the registry is updated for this book, any changes you have made in that window will be lost.
Lose Changes?
Warning: This version of Jack B. Nymble does not support Remailer Test mode. This book will not run correctly.
Invalid Reply-To header
This mail message is incomplete. This file should be deleted.
An error occured reading the mail queue.
Stats Last Updated
Remailer Stats Warning
You may need to reduce the criteria in Window|Remailers Config|Auto or Mixmaster, or change your use of remailers or directives.
Remailers Config|Capabilities contains duplicate strings for remailer
Select Archive Folder
uses a discontinuous directive. This message may be lost.
View PGP Keyring
Users of PGP 5 and 6 must create keys using PGP's PGPKeys utility. Important: Current nym-servers support only RSA keys. Once you have created a key for your nym account, return to this Nym Book and press the asterisk (*) button next to Account|Account PGP Key, and select the key.
statistics found or unrecognized format
Jack B. Nymble requires Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) to be installed on your system. For greater ease of installation and use, version 5.5.3 or 6 (RSA support required) is recommended. Please consult the User's Manual for PGP installation instructions. Which version of PGP will you be using with Jack B. Nymble?
If Mixmaster is installed on your system, please select the correct folder and press OK. If not, press Cancel.
The Mixmaster program file was not found. Please consult JBN's User's Manual (available from the Help menu) for Mixmaster installation instructions.
For Jack B. Nymble to function properly, it needs to update its list of remailers, remailer stats, and update your keyrings with current remailer keys. Your configuration will then be checked. If you are online and PGP is installed properly, this can be done now. Proceed?
Jack B. Nymble can automatically download current remailer reliability statistics regularly. This allows it to advise you about remailers which may cause mail to be lost. If you would like to enable this feature, enter the number of hours between each stats refresh below. 4-6 hours is generally sufficient. If you prefer to manually initiate stats refresh, press Cancel.
Select Mixmaster Program Folder
After you have installed PGP and are online, select Tools|Refresh Stats, followed by Tools|Get CPunk Keys and/or Get Mix Keys to bring your configuration up-to-date.
This book's replay file is a nym configuration request. To replay this book, the config address of the correct nym-server must be in the To field.
This book's replay file is more than 6 days old. Most nym-servers will not accept replay files older than approximately one week.
Your remailer reliability statistics are over one day old. For best results with AUTO remailers, it is recommended that you refresh your stats every 4-6 hours.
You appear to be sending a nym configuration request or reply-block, but have included a nym account address in the Nym field. This field should be left blank.
New CPunk remailers have been added to your configuration. Do you wish to update your CPunk keys now?
Select Key to Paste
Post and Anon-Post-To are used for anonymous posting only. They may not be used with a nym message.
Mixmaster has not been installed or configured. Before using Mixmaster remailers you must install Mixmaster 2.0.4 on your system. Please consult the User's Manual for installation instructions.
Cutmarks for Garbage removal
Failure creating mixrand.bin
Add Bookmark
Please enter bookmark URL
Please enter bookmark Title
Warning: Conventionally encrypted text will not be signed.
A message creation is in progress. It is recommended that you wait until this has finished before closing this window. Terminating may leave undeleted files in the work path. Terminate now?
Window Busy
Function could not complete due to an unsuccessful DOS command.
One or more tasks are running. It is recommended that you wait until all tasks have completed before exiting. Terminating may leave undeleted files in the work path. Terminate now?
Note: When Preview Dummies is checked, dummy message generation will halt Jack B. Nymble's unattended functions, such as sending of outgoing mail.
Please save this nym book with a new name. Each nym book is used to manage one nym account and should be given a unique name corresponding to the account name.
Does your computer use a dialup connection to the internet? Press No if you are using a LAN or cable modem. You may change this setting later via Options|Verify Connection.
Oversize message ignored
Message deleted
Retrieval Message
Invalid mail folder
ERROR Retrieving mail from
new messages
Password authentication failure
Unable to connect
ERROR Retrieving news from
Newsgroup not available
News Retrieval
Getting new headers in
Filtering headers in
Getting article
articles retrieved
Note: It is recommended that you press Retry or Abort and try again later. If the problem persists press Ignore, and Jack B. Nymble will not attempt to retrieve this article again.
The passphrases for this account exceeded 30K and could not be stored in the registry. To correct this problem, please shorten passphrases or use fewer reply-blocks, and run this book again.
An error occurred decoding message text or attachment
Find Text In Messages
Invalid Retrieval Config|Mail Folder
No templates found in Retrieval Config|Reply Templates Folder
Assembling multi-part
Please enter the encrypted subject to test:
Test Encrypted Subject
Decryption cancelled.
Message file is missing.
This folder may not be renamed or removed.
Please enter pathname for new folder
New Folder
Please enter new (path)name for folder
Rename Folder
Folder must be empty to be removed.
Save Message
Save Selected Messages
Append Selected Messages
An error occurred saving messages.
Import Messages
Scanning for UNIX messages...
Scanning for PGP messages...
Importing message
No messages found in
Import this file anyway?
An error occurred while parsing this file.
Invalid destination folder.
Note: Only the original undecrypted part of the messages will be deleted. Original messages which have not been decrypted will not be deleted. Archived book and replay files associated with Sent messages will be deleted.
Original Only
Note: Only the decrypted part of the messages will be deleted. The original mail message will remain. Plain messages which were not decrypted will not be deleted.
Decrypted Only
Unable to delete file
Save Attachment
Save and Open Attachment
Error reading mail folder.
View Mail
Mail Message
Original File
Decrypted File
File Missing
Conventional Reply-Block Decryptions
Not Found in Registry
Text File
Plain Message
Encrypted Message
Sent Message
News Article
Decrypted Message
Unable to decode the following MIME section
An error occured reading
An error occurred writing mail index file.
Open New Mail Folder
Invalid decryption folder.
One or more messages in the Multi folder are over 10 days old. These are probably incomplete multi-part messages which will never be completed. Delete them now?
ERROR Decryption - Reading Nym Accounts Registry
ERROR Decrypting message
ERROR Decryption - Updating Nym Accounts Registry
ERROR Scanning Multi folder
ERROR Assembling multi-part messages
Please place a check next to URLs to download keys from:
Demote this URL
Error reading directory structure
The following unattended errors have occured. Press OK to clear this summary or Cancel to retain it.
Error Summary
Resetting the index for this profile will cause JBN2 to start retrieval at the first available article in each group on this server.
Reset News Index
Get URL Error
Unchecking the Update Registry option will require you to manually update the passphrases and other information in the Nym Accounts Registry for automated decryption and other features to work properly.
Missing or invalid newsgroups
You need to enable a Send profile in Window|Send Profiles in order to enable queuing of mail.
Cypherpunk Key URLs
One or more of the messages selected are currently queued for decryption and could not be moved.
Your keyring has too many keys on it for the available buffer.
Error reading PGP keyring
ERROR Decryption - Updating Nym duplicates index file
Disabling the cryptrecv function may interfere with automated decryption and display of your mail.
NNTP Esub scan plugin not installed
The following subject was exported for NNTP scanning
Unable to export subject
You have installed this program into the Program Files folder. Because of the number of folders in this folder, JBN2 will start more slowly. For faster startup, move your Books folder to another location.
Before running example Nym Books you should replace all active passphrases using Edit|Replace Passphrases or using your own passphrases.
is at the end of your chain and is listed as a middleman remailer. When sending to the final recipient it may chain to an additional remailer of its choice, making your chain one remailer longer.
Private Key Reply-Block Decryptions
Auto functions
Too many keys
No properly formatted PGP or Mixmaster key was found on the clipboard. (When adding a Mixmaster key, the first line must be the type2 entry.)
Mixmaster key added successfully.
Unable to add Mixmaster key.
The subject entered is not a valid encrypted subject.
The following match was found in profile
No matches found in current News Profiles.
The Esub Plugin is not installed. Please consult the User's Manual, Installation section.
New Mixmaster remailers have been added to your configuration. Do you wish to update your Mix keys now?
With 'Show Attachment In Subject' enabled, messages which include a single non-encrypted attachment will show the attachment's filename in the Subject header.
You have not specified a Message Archive destination on the Extra tab.
Book File
Please select a single portion of quoted text to reformat.